Thank You For VIsiting Me...!!!

With outstretched arms, I welcome you to the world of yet unsaid emotions...

Wish you a good time.! And thank you for visiting me...!!!

Monday 18 January 2016

"Post Of The Year...!!!"

For the last two years, December is turning out to be that part of the year which gives me a head-rush of ideas and unfailingly inspires me to blog. And with all my pride, I can say that December 2015 has the most number of posts in a month, as compared to any other month since I started. I am also elated to say that the posts of December 2015 got the maximum traffic to my dearest blog, people from different corners of the country and from around the world gave me their encouragement, feedback and appreciation, and this was Exactttly the momentum I needed to keep the words spilling from my fingers onto the keyboard.

So, from the core of my being, a big Thank You to everyone who has been instrumental in bringing this blog to where it has now come - all the readers, family and friends for your constant rallying, and Life in general for supplying all the ideas which I feel compelled to write about.

What essentially made me come up with the idea for this Award was the one post that sent the stats and footfall on the blog skyrocketing. That post not only fed me with the euphoria that is inevitable for any artist or creator, but more importantly, it lit in me a burning desire to write. More and more. And that led me to thinking of some way to express my gratitude which ultimately brought us here. Understandably, this category also has no nominations.

Without further ado, Ladies and Gentlemen, here comes the winner of the 

MeghnaSays... Post Of The Year Award

And the award goes to :

This post till date holds its position as the most read post on the blog. And this post also lovingly  proves that when you do what you love, success chases you. As does happiness!
The words of this poem are very close to my heart, just as much as the real life story they tell and the friendship that engendered all this. To read the poem, click here.

What many of my readers do not know is that there were 14 drafts made for this post, each in a different format. I had met a childhood friend after 18 years, and how! There was an overflow of emotions which neither my head nor my heart was qualified to contain. And I was like a live wire not knowing how to channelize that energy. So I started by pouring out everything on a blank page. When I read it, that was the most unorganized bunch of lines ever composed by anyone. So I started all over again. This time as a story. This too did not work. Again I tried writing this as a journal entry. No use. I tried to start with an essay on friendship (Duh!). Obviously I got bored five minutes into it. 

How was it possible that nothing clicked? 

Finally, after I scrapped off the thirteenth draft, words started swimming in my head. And since I had already compromised my evening walk, I was fine with getting more wasted. So  I started playing a new imaginary game called 'fishing-net' where I had an imaginary fishing net with which I was catching random words (shaped as fishes, of course!) and deliberately putting them into small sentences. And Voila! That, my friends, was my Eureka Moment! 
:D :D :D

Before I knew, I had composed the longest poem of my life. Fluidly. And effortlessly. 

The best part about it all - everyone who read it was so deeply touched; some cried, some were speechless while some turned nouveau poets. And to me, THAT is what creativity is all about...!!!


  1. Rendezvous with old friends is like entering the magic world of sweet memories.I hope to meet you both, share all old excerpts and restart what we left many years ago.
