Thank You For VIsiting Me...!!!

With outstretched arms, I welcome you to the world of yet unsaid emotions...

Wish you a good time.! And thank you for visiting me...!!!

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Photo Fable 3: Hashtag Bachpan...!!!

"...give me some sunshine 
give me some rain...
give me another chance, 
I wanna grow up once again..."

The third candid, adorable and absolutely lovable Fable-In-A-Photo was shared by a dear friend Himanshu, who was so excited to learn about this photo-feature on the blog, he sent like a 100 entries! I really have no idea how deep he had to dig to dish this one out, but this pic takes all the cake! 

O' Childhood... Come back pleese...!!!

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Photo Fable 2: Paradise Unbuttoning...!!!

The second Fable was shared by Ankit and Khushboo, who are understandably in some ninth or eleventh heaven since the birth of their baby girl Meher.

There was no better title I could come up with for this one. The pic below will say the rest. 

I am very sure Ankit would have been blushing when he would have shared it. He shyly told me, "there is a 'Tiny Photography Bug' in me, which keeps biting every once in a while' and then forwarded this pic, with signature and all. 

Take a look:

Respect. With a million bows to both of you...!!!

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Photo Fable 1: Together Forever...!!!

My wonderful friends Gabbar and Baks were the quickest to respond when I shared this idea of "Photo Fables" with them. 

This is a pic taken out of their wedding album, and I have just one word for it: 


Take a look: 

Both of You, Wish You Togetherness Forever...!!!

Introducing - "Photo Fables"...!!!

We've all grown up hearing it often that "A Picture is worth a Thousand Words" and that "A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever".

Photographs are stencils of moments frozen in time. While they create everlasting memories, unlike any other form of art - be it the written word or a painted canvas, they cannot be recreated. There cannot be any other rendition of them. The clicking of each photograph is a once in a lifetime affair, for that moment will never occur again. Even if everything else is the same, there is one thing that will surely be different: the timestamp. But once the photo is clicked, it can last longer than a lifetime; sometimes may be generations after generations. And that is what maketh this art so unadulterated and eccentric. 

While browsing through my photo gallery a couple of days ago, I found few such pictures that my friends had shared with me. Each of those photos was a complete story in itself.

So, just for adrenaline's sake, I reached out to my friends and asked them if they had any such pictures which could tell a story without words, and which they were willing to share with me to put on the blog. The catch was that they should have clicked those pictures themselves. I wasn't really expecting much, but Boy, was I surprised!

I got an awesome response from everyone, and the pictures they shared are breathtaking. Sweeping an expanse of varied topics, from Nature to Travel and Relationships to Architecture - basically 'Life' underscored twice - these photos are a real salute to what we can call the spirit of living beyond existing.

Over the next few posts, I shall be sharing the choicest photographs out of the superabundant lot that these lovely people so generously shared with me. 

As says the title, each of these photographs spills a fable. They talk out loud for themselves. They fluidly tell the alluring and prepossessing story about the moment they were captured; something for which no other rendition is possible. And they all deftly render the use of words redundant. So, I shall practice a lot of restraint with their descriptions. Every story is open to your unique interpretation, Dear Reader. :)

A Big Thank You to all the wonderful contributors who make me feel so proud that I am their friend. You guys are the best! And I really wish that all your dreams come true...!!!

MeghnaSays... Is Finally on Facebook...!!!

Its Official - We have arrived...!

Everyone, thank you so much for all your love and encouragement. To take things to the next level, I am happy to announce that...







Facebook !!!

Lets hope to meet newer patrons, brew newer ideas and get into newer discussions in this new hotspot.

See you all there too! And for all your Thumbs Ups that are on my way, please accept my heartfelt Thank You...!!!

Let's create history at: 

Stay Precious, Everyone...!!!

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

"Vote Of Thanks...!!!"

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have now come to the concluding part of our First Chapter of the Annual MeghnaSays... Awards Gala. This has been one Awesome ride and I am so thankful to each and everyone who was instrumental in making this herculean task possible for me. So, at this point of time, a lot of "Thank Yous" are in order. 

On the onset, my sincerest thanks to God Almighty, for giving me these ideas and the courage and desire to work with them. If not for those blessings, I would be non-existant, pretty much like everything else.

A very BIG Thank You to My Laptop which according to Mr. Husband came into our lives in 1960 (Yeah...guess my age...!!! And I say this just one day before my next Birthday! :D ). Without You, Oh Dear Laptop, none of this would have been possible. Even though I had to hit enter 4 times before my cursor moved to the next line, and even though 'E' and 'A' have now disappeared from my keyboard, literally, You my Dear, are simply The Best..! Mmuah!

My biggest Thank You to Mr. Husband Dearest for ALWAYS being by my side, no matter what. For listening to my incessant rants and lending an extremely patient ear to all of my cribbing. For being the perpetual source of inspiration, in his own unique ways. For being the one for whom I wake up each day!

A very big Thank You to all those Cups Of Tea that gave me the much needed jolt to get out of my afternoon slumber, and who kept me going till all the words had drained out of my fingers in a way that they felt kilos lighter. 

My heartiest gratitude to all those Evening Walks that I missed because I was writing, for not holding it up against me; and for all those walks that I took, for maintaining our relationship and the spark of it.

And more than anything or anyone else, a Big - Bigger - Biggest Thank You to all My Readers who make blogging worth it. You, dear Readers, are the pulse, the heartbeat of my blog. You fill the words in me, you fill the expression in those words. Thank You so much for always being there!

And before I sign off, Thank You Life. You feel like a dream comes true, every moment...!!!

Take care everyone...!!!

'Irritant Of The Year...!!!"

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have now come to the last category of the "Annual MeghnaSays... 2015 Awards Gala". We made it, we are finally here. 

This is a very novel category and I don't think I am any shy of words about how I feel for this award's winner.

For the nominations for this category, we have special terrestrial guests who are very very close to the realm of our everyday existence. They excel in bugging the wits out of you, in irritating you beyond your normal tolerance levels and in adding way more challenge to an already demanding life. Each one outshines and outperforms. But the winner takes it all away!

The outstanding nominees for this category are:

1. Ants

2. Mosquitoes.

3. Pigeons.

Ants - They are omnipresent and omnivorous, especially in my house.  They seem to have this gift of God of becoming 0 to 100 in 3 seconds (Watch out Elon Musk! Tesla has competition now!) I fail to understand where in their nano anatomy did God Almighty place a nose so deft!
Technically, they are supposed to swarm the sweet things, so I understand that they also feel hungry, and when sublunary creatures like us humans forget to put our sweets in the refrigerator or in air tight containers, they are supposed to conquer them. 

But what about chilly powder? Or green tea leaves? Or oats? Or ginger? Or boiled vegetables? Or Vinegar? Or detergent soap? Is there a gastronomy class these ants are attending where they are burning the midnight oil (also stolen from my Kitchen) to hone their culinary skills so that very soon they can may be open a restaurant? Or win the "Masterchef Ants In The Anthill" title? Only that could explain their dire need for detergents to wash their microscopic spoiled aprons. 

I have wasted hours of my precious life trying to get rid of them, clean the stuff they spoiled and make my kitchen relatively ant-proof. Even after keeping my place squeaky clean, doing my unique custom-designed ant-pest-control even in the middle of the nights and making neatness my top priority, time and again, they still manage to deliver their show-stopping performances. And every time this happens, I feel that a little more of my self-confidence is brutally stripped off.

After all this while of Guerrilla warfare, we have now come to a point where we sort of ignore each other till the time the other party is not being particularly nasty. When any of the parties crosses the line, we take action. Immediate solid action. When they start spoiling my stuff, I unleash the devil within and send 'Hit' shots on their way. Sometimes "water and wiper"becomes the artillery, sometimes 'Lakshman-rekha' does. Then, they clearly understand that they have broken some unwritten code; that they are now prohibited and unwelcome. And being the self-respecting creatures they are, they back off, at least for the time being.

There is a silver lining here though. Ants inspire. When you may look closely, look above yourself and see them, you find them constantly working. They energize you with their energy, team work, sportsmanship and high spirits. They stay in groups and work together. They make hay while the sun shines and save aplenty for the rainy day.

And this is why, they lose this award.

Mosquitoes - My ONLY thought when I think about them: What was God thinking when he created mosquitoes? Why did he create them?
Why? Why? WHY?

Now picture this: You had a great day at work; deliverables after deliverables. There was a Go Live, and you managed to put everything in line right at the time of project delivery. The client is super happy with your work, has sent you a handcrafted appreciation mail. Your boss has announced your next promotion, owing to this, and your team is partying harder now after the long day of hard work is over. There is good food, and you are with your good friends. You are doing the job you love, and excelling at it. Life is great. You are, needless to say, on top of the world.

You come home a bit late, all happy and gung-ho. Take a nice hot shower and now, all you can think of is to hit the sack, so that you get your much required beauty sleep that can revitalize you with all the energy you need for the next productive day.

And just as you switch off the lights, and your head rests on the pillow, from unknown places in the darkness emerge these tiny needle-like creatures that buzz in supersonic frequencies right inside your ears. This incessant busszzzsssszzzzzing sound easily penetrates to the deepest farthest corners of your head and semi-awareness and give you the jolt of a lifetime. And if that was not enough, immediately next comes the sting, THAT sting which could in a matter of minutes make you land inside a hospital for a stay. You wake up giving a sonorous punch to your own ears, land deathly blows on your own body (though all in vain) and may even give yourself a couple of coruscating slaps that make you realize how powerful you really are.

And then comes the question, what did I do to deserve This?

All the achievements of daytime go down the drain in a flash. And all you are left with is the vain effort of fighting a losing battle, every time, with these mosquitoes.

Just like the big mainframe computers that occupied whole rooms gave way to the smaller, sleeker iPads, I guess the mosquitoes are also the smaller, sleeker version of 'Vampires'.
I wanna suck yo' blood and yo' life outta yo', Sucka!

The mosquitoes seem to have gained the most with Evolution.   They have become leaner and meaner. Now they are almost invisible to the naked eye and so agile that even imagining to smash the existence out of them with your claps is so obsolete. If you burn some of those mosquito-repellant sticks or mats, you may end up falling unconscious before you know, given their horrid smells and their awfully detrimental effects on your respiratory system. They are totally resistant to all the repellants - natural or not, and showcase their moronic daredevilry by sitting right on top of the switched-ON repellant devices.  And if you really disturb them with your tenacity for going after their lives, they have probably loaned this expertise from Bats, where now they can hang themselves upside down from the ceilings. Ha! Catch Me If You Can!

There are still, in the present times, some things you can do to save yourself from these demons. I say 'present times', because one can only imagine to what levels are they capable of 'evolving' themselves. You could mesh net all your windows and doors, so that they cannot enter your house in the first place. You could wear full clothes, and Odomas. You could burn essential oils, which are thankfully pleasant and not hazardous. Still if all these fail, go for the kill with the Electric Rackets and bust their bums off with electric shocks. When the going gets tough, the tough get going!

The mosquitoes drive you nuts mostly only during the nights and in some particular seasons. And so, you can think of some respite. Which is why, they also lose this award.


So Ladies and Gentlemen, please put your hands together for the One and Only, solidly deserved, winner of the MeghnaSays... Irritant Of The Year Award which goes to


I don't know how to start, I am so overwhelmed right now, my brains may burst anytime! 
They are the worst nightmare of my life. 
Why is there no superlative for Worst...???

With pigeons - there is just no option. Heard of 'Helplessness'? They taught what it means to an eternal optimist like me. 

You shoo them away and in like less than 5 seconds they will be back. To the same place, to do the same thing - Nothing. No self respect at all. 

Dumbest. Creatures. Ever. One was exceedingly dumb to lay eggs in my washing machine..!! Seriously, how lazy can you be! Go build your nest you moron!

They have no work to do. Idle throughout the day, only sitting and pooping, I wonder when and what do they eat to produce so much of that horrible colored poop which stinks like a disproportionate mixture of vomit, industry waste and shite. 

50 shades of grey and none worth looking at - that with Red eyes ?! Why would any of the Heaven's artists combine rainbow hues on the neck with grey in the first place? They are just not good to look at. Okay, that is something beyond themselves. That's how God made them. 
But they make horrible if they have been tormented since ages and still are. All they do is grunt. Unlike twitter birds, or house sparrows who are such angels, they come, chirp, do a little dance and fly away. No doubts good things come in small packages.

God must have been in a real. bad. mood. to come up with something like them, that they got neither the looks nor the voice, nor the brain. Zilch.
No good looks, no good voice, no good deeds. How to pull yourself together! How! HOW!

I mean, come on, even crows unknowingly do their part of charity when they help hatch the cuckoo's eggs. And the cuckoo, crooked as it may be, at least has a sweet voice. That friggin' Siren!

The only occupation of pigeons - to suddenly flap phat-phat-phat and emerge out of nowhere over to the top of your head, scare every bit and piece out of you, and then go nowhere; just land a few centimetres away, for no specific reason whatsoever. 
There is anyway nothing much they can do with those obese un-aerodynamic bodies. And wherever they land, they have to oust their brother or sister or cousin or friend or girlfriend or boyfriend or whatever that is sitting there. Just trot after it and climb on it and just basically bug it so much that it leaves that place. And the other one is even dumber to go away. Such a waste of life. If only they could learn to do something valuable with their lives - follow their bliss maybe. Just like Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

To make matters worse, they are Omnipresent. They are just everywhere. No wonder they are called the "coackroaches of birds". Dirty and pathogenic. In the city skyline, you see remarkable buildings, shining away in glory on a bright sunny day, and suddenly, as you inch closer, you notice 50 shades of grey and another 20 of green, white and brown in a stinky skanky trail over the glass windows! 

I have been having more than my fair share of Nightmares about them (Please notice I used a Capital N). Someday when I have a nice lush property, with manicured gardens and a bunch a sedans, they attack and take over 
everything, poop over my house and garden and cars and everywhere and fill the air with their grunting and stink. One of them even came dressed hideously as a bride in a white gown and was trying to seduce Mr. Husband and take him away. Oh the horror!

Even as I compose this post, they are barely a few feet away, grinding my composure to dust with that grotesque grunting, and breaking my concentration every couple of minutes as I have to  get up to shoo and shaa and shhhh them. And I think now they recognize me, my voice, maybe even my silhouette, for now, they resist flying away every time they see me. They just shift a little back on the window sill and give me that steely stare with those loathsome red eyes, head cocked to one side and then to the other, as if taking that long good look at me and telling themselves, "There You are again" and "We will see You."
Using expletives for them is a sincere insult to expletives.

Sometimes the only thing in my wish list is a Lipstick Taser. Or a shotgun, and the license to use it.

The best thing about them, they are so good at this nothingness, that they left me no choice to select anyone else for this award. You love to hate them and hate to love them. I realize that this is the first and hopefully the only post with so many negative adjectives.

Be thy work, great or small, do it well, or not at all. Thus the Winner...!!!

"Comrade Of The Year...!!!"

Our next category, Ladies and Gentlemen, for the MeghnaSays... 2015 Annual Awards is 

"Comrade Of The Year"

As mentioned in the Curtain Raiser, this award also does not have any nominees, just the winner. Here, I would like to tell you that it was pretty much the Subject of this award that brought me to the Predicate part.

How often in life 
do we meet someone
who 'clicks' in the first instant
who is likable so
and adorable so
That you forget if you ever were distant

Who can loan you books
and feedback and advice
and his tees to wear at night
Who is calm and composed
Funny and reposed
And for you friend is Mr. Right!

One who is at par 
and knows no bar
when it comes to help a friend in need
Who is the "Sahchar"
of Mr. Husband Dear
A gem of a person indeed

Who reads what I write
Inspires as a Guide
And is patient when things go slow [:D]
Who gave poetic answers 
To my poetic questions
To keep the flame aglow

A partner in crime
Vodka with a dash of lime
One who made up for the lost days of yore
We (Mr. Husband and Me) are filled with glee
to have found in you
A comrade, for ever and more.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please put your hands together for the Winner:


who deserves every bit of the 

MeghnaSays... Comrade Of The Year Award 

and more.

To read more about this beautiful camaraderie, click here. You will be so glad you did.

Life is really so much better with Friends...!!! 

Monday, 18 January 2016

"Post Of The Year...!!!"

For the last two years, December is turning out to be that part of the year which gives me a head-rush of ideas and unfailingly inspires me to blog. And with all my pride, I can say that December 2015 has the most number of posts in a month, as compared to any other month since I started. I am also elated to say that the posts of December 2015 got the maximum traffic to my dearest blog, people from different corners of the country and from around the world gave me their encouragement, feedback and appreciation, and this was Exactttly the momentum I needed to keep the words spilling from my fingers onto the keyboard.

So, from the core of my being, a big Thank You to everyone who has been instrumental in bringing this blog to where it has now come - all the readers, family and friends for your constant rallying, and Life in general for supplying all the ideas which I feel compelled to write about.

What essentially made me come up with the idea for this Award was the one post that sent the stats and footfall on the blog skyrocketing. That post not only fed me with the euphoria that is inevitable for any artist or creator, but more importantly, it lit in me a burning desire to write. More and more. And that led me to thinking of some way to express my gratitude which ultimately brought us here. Understandably, this category also has no nominations.

Without further ado, Ladies and Gentlemen, here comes the winner of the 

MeghnaSays... Post Of The Year Award

And the award goes to :

This post till date holds its position as the most read post on the blog. And this post also lovingly  proves that when you do what you love, success chases you. As does happiness!
The words of this poem are very close to my heart, just as much as the real life story they tell and the friendship that engendered all this. To read the poem, click here.

What many of my readers do not know is that there were 14 drafts made for this post, each in a different format. I had met a childhood friend after 18 years, and how! There was an overflow of emotions which neither my head nor my heart was qualified to contain. And I was like a live wire not knowing how to channelize that energy. So I started by pouring out everything on a blank page. When I read it, that was the most unorganized bunch of lines ever composed by anyone. So I started all over again. This time as a story. This too did not work. Again I tried writing this as a journal entry. No use. I tried to start with an essay on friendship (Duh!). Obviously I got bored five minutes into it. 

How was it possible that nothing clicked? 

Finally, after I scrapped off the thirteenth draft, words started swimming in my head. And since I had already compromised my evening walk, I was fine with getting more wasted. So  I started playing a new imaginary game called 'fishing-net' where I had an imaginary fishing net with which I was catching random words (shaped as fishes, of course!) and deliberately putting them into small sentences. And Voila! That, my friends, was my Eureka Moment! 
:D :D :D

Before I knew, I had composed the longest poem of my life. Fluidly. And effortlessly. 

The best part about it all - everyone who read it was so deeply touched; some cried, some were speechless while some turned nouveau poets. And to me, THAT is what creativity is all about...!!!

Thursday, 14 January 2016

"Moment Of The Year...!!!"

Welcome Back Ladies and Gentlemen, to what is turning out to be the Longest Awards Gala in *any* history. :D :D :D (We are setting new records everyday!)

Let us now move on to the next category - 

"MeghnaSays... Moment Of The Year"

This category does not require any nominations. There could be only one winner, and I knew this, because this was the most recurring happy memory for me, ever since it first happened. This was an event for which not just me, but many were waiting, with all their might. 

When I did my first article on Khushboo ("You're the Girl, Khushboo...!!!) I had at that time learnt that she was expecting. It was a moment of ecstacy. Spending time with your closest friends is one great thing. Knowing that soon there are going to be mini versions of your friend trotting around, is Euphoria! On an all together different level! 

Having spent all our graduating years together, we know each other inside out. And our telepathy is legendary. Be it what cooks in our kitchens miles apart, or the words we say or things we do. This telepathy went a notch above after we got married. She and Mr. Husband share their sun signs, and on the other hand, I share mine with her husband Ankit. So now, pretty often, all four of us would be talking about and doing similar stuff, despite being in the north and south poles of our country. 

I was the first one who got this awesome news from both of them - that they were going to add a new member to our gang, and Mr. Husband was second. Now, ever since we first discussed this topic of having kids, which as far as I recollect, was in the second year of college, Khushboo always wanted to have a baby girl. Which is very rare. At least for me. In my whole life, she is the first and only person as of now to really want and pray for a baby girl. And this one thing always filled me with so much respect for her. Of course, I have met and known many mothers who have only a boy or boys and they always complained about not having a daughter. But whenever I asked them if this is what they hoped for when they first realized they were expecting, all answers were in the negative. And phoney doesn't go too well with me. 

When Khushboo broke the news, she was obviously elated. She had called from the hospital while waiting for her turn, was talking in a funny hushed tone which could barely mask her excitement, and that was when she first said, I am going to see the Doc to find out when will I be able to finally see my baby girl, and I have a strong hunch it will be on Abhishek's (Mr. Husband's) birthday. I told her not to overthink, and just go see the Doc; for whatever happens and whenever it does, it will be for the best of it. 

And that is literally what I prayed for, for all the long, daunting nine months that followed. 
Her sister-in-law, who was also expecting her second kid, was just twenty days ahead of her. She had a son, and so she too really wanted a daughter to 'complete the family'. Both of them would talk about everything one possibly can in the given situation, and Khushboo would share the insights with me - about hopes, dreams, expectations and the wait - and every time, a million butterflies would take off at the same time in my stomach. What good time to be alive!

In due course of time, Khushboo's sister-in-law was blessed with a cute little baby boy, and though it was a moment of great happiness, that was the only time I found her a bit pensive and low. "Why did God not give her with the baby girl she wanted..? Am I also praying in vain? Everybody you meet blesses you to be blessed with a boy, beti k liye koi aashirwad nahi deta.."

I had no appropriate words to say anything to her. All I could do was to pray even more, and ask her to keep her faith. For that was all what was in our hands.


It was Mr. Husband's birthday that day. And the day wasn't really turning out to be what we would have wanted it to. My sister-in-law has supposedly lost her brand new iPhone 6+, and in all that ruckus, she had totally forgotten about his birthday (a lifetime's first!). And there we were, instead of selecting his birthday present, we were at the Aptronix store, trying to block her number and trace her new, now lost iPhone. At around the same time Khushboo called and said they were moving her to the hospital. She also told that the doctor had decided to operate because in her case, normal delivery would be very difficult. My heart was now racing at thousand beats per second. Who did I first see when I woke up today?

With no success whatsoever with the lost iPhone, dejected, we quickly and halfheartedly picked up a gift for Mr. Husband and drove back home. As we reached home, my brother-in-law and his family joined us. We were telling them about the not-so-happy incidents of the day as I prepped up the cake I had baked for Mr. Husband. The elders started giving us hope, something they are deft at, and my 2 year old nephew turned out to be the silver lining of the day, as his little deeds and words brought effortless smiles to our faces. 

Veiling  a million thoughts behind the cheery facade, and trying to pick up the remaining pieces of the day to still make something out of it, I and Mr. Husband exchanged forced silent smiles when my phone rang. It was my sister-in-law's daughter who had called to tell that the lost iPhone 6 was now found. It has slipped under the back seat of the neighbour's car which my sister-in-law had taken out to arrange the parking space in her apartment building. Phew! God is great!

We all cheered and gave high-fives and started to get ready for dinner. This was a great relief, especially because so much of hard-earned and harder-saved money had gone into that iPhone. And losing it would have meant losing a whole deal of data too. But that was all averted now.  

My mind and heart was repeatedly going back to Khushboo, when my phone rang again. What now? Lost the iPhone again? Please no!

It was Ankit. With trembling hands I answered the phone. And there he told me, "Bhagwan ne sabki sun li. Beti hui hai..!!" ("God answered all our prayers. Its a daughter..!!")

And this, Ladies and Gentlemen, was the Moment of the Year...!!!

I was stunned. My eyes were pouring, and I could not speak anything for moments together. All I could ask was if both Mother and Kiddo were doing good and he said yes and hung up promising to call again later. I don't know how long was I standing there alone, holding my phone and filling buckets with my happy tears, but it must have been really long, because Mr. Husband came looking out for me. 

When he saw me crying, the first thing he asked, "Ab kiska kya kho gaya..." (Now who lost what...). And I laughed out loud. I told him, no one lost anything. But Khushboo and Ankit had now found Everything. God is really the Greatest!!

When I finally talked to Khushboo the first time after she became a Mom, guess what does she start with - "See, I told you my Baby Girl would share her Birthday with her Uncle!"

This kiddo is really an answer to so many prayers. She is a solid reaffirmation of our faith in God.

No wonder her parents named her "Meher" which literally means "Blessing"...!!!

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

"Movie Of The Year"...!!!

(** Boy! New Year started on a busy note. Phew..!!**)

I am an awkward movie buff. And I am seriously fortunate to have found a bigger movie buff in Mr. Husband. His recommendations are simply the best. So when he tells about a movie that you should watch, you just sit up and watch it. Thankfully for me, he has a huge collection  and out of the ones that I saw, the jewel wins the prize. 

Having watched so many during the whole year (mostly catching up on the ones I had missed over the past few years) I am feeling a little dazed while trying to zero down the nominees. There are so many fighting for that space. But here's a small list of the best out of the best.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the nominees for this category are:

1. Despicable Me 1 and 2
2. Madagascar - 1, 2 and 3
3. Kung Fu Panda 1 and 2
4. Body Of Lies
5. Under Eight
6. To Kill A Mockingbird
7. John Wick
8. Bajirao Mastani
9. 21
10. Argo
11. Bucket List
12. Bhaag Milkha Bhaag (!! Yeah I saw that NOW finally !! Like the many others in the list!)
13. All the remaining ones. :)

Despicable Me, Madagascar and Kung Fu Panda are deal makers. They are winners all the way because of their best of the best packaging - story, voiceovers, animation, content, entertainment, everything. I wish there are a lot more sequels to all of these.

In Body of Lies, Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe deliver exactly all of that for which you want to pay to watch them; at times, even more with their versatility and accent, and eyes respectively. Golshifteh Farahani is a rare find, just like the handsome and brimming-with-attitude character of Mark Strong as Hani. This movie by Ridley Scott promises an overplus of all those elements that make movie watching the real fun it is, and the performances take it a notch above the conventional espionage thriller.

Under Eight is a movie I started to see only because of Paul Walker. But very very soon, the sled dogs stole the show. It is a very emotionally gripping tale of love, friendship, hope, loyalty, survival, never giving up and the power of will power - all of this between man and the dogs. Given the subject and man's strongest, most lovable friendship with dogs, movies of this underlying sentiment have more often than not fared well. But this one particularly stands out because of the Antarctic backdrop and the fact that there isn't just one or two, but Eight sled dogs in the movie. Superb story and spectacular performances from Paul as well as the awesome eight.

Just one thing to say about To Kill a Mocking Bird - this movie did justice to the book. Totally. And THAT is all we need for reviews when it comes to movies that are adapted from novels. The book by Harper Lee is an all time favorite, ever since I first read it a couple of years ago. I liked it so much that I wrote a book review for it then for this blog, which you can read here. I knew that there was a movie for this book too, but in most cases, the real essence of the book is lost in the movie, sometimes to the extent of it being brutally murdered. And since 9 times out of 10, I have not been content with the way novels are adapted into movies, I was skeptical while watching this one too. And I am so glad that this movie in black and white proved me wrong. 

John Wick is a synonym of focus and an antonym of waste - both the movie and the laconic kickass title role as portrayed by the super dashing Keanu Reaves. It is an action extravaganza and keeps you on the edge of your seat from the first minute to last. Neither a minute nor a bullet wasted. Underscoring all the remorseless killing and vengeance-seeking is love lost, and the solitary moral - you don't mess with the Boss or you have to pay. And if a person like me who averts action and dhishoom-dhishoom as if instinctively can come up with a review like this, you know this movie will not disappoint you. Total Paisa-Vasool!

Bajirao Mastani - Mr. Bhansali's Magnum Opus, the epic historical romance and the most awaited movie since years. Stellar performances by Ranveer and Deepika in the lead roles of Bajirao and Mastani, and Priyanka is as subtle and subdued as was expected of her in the role of Kashibai. Tanvi Azmi and Milind Soman can brighten and lighten up any frame with their poise, gait and delivery. Another amazing adaptation of a book, one for which I think I am better off not reading it. A must watch. And A Big Salute to Mr. Bhansali. Please keep making your movies.

21 and Bucket List are two different genres, two totally different stories and therefore two diverse movie watching experiences. 21 is the story of how a Maths Professor played by Kevin Stacey trains five brilliant MIT students and used their skills to make millions playing BlackJack in Vegas, and how all this affects the life and times of one of the students who had totally different aspirations from life. A total roller coaster. Bucket List is about two terminally ill men, one loaded and the other not so, who decide to make a list of all those things they want to do before they die, and then do it. The ideas isn't particularly novel, but the superstars Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson make it a ride to remember. And inspire you to make your own bucket lists.

Bhaag Milka Bhaag doesn't need words. All it needs is a pair of eyes to watch the Flying Sikh's spirit enter the body of the super awesome Farhan Akhtar, and a pair of ears to hear the living legend's story. Long after Rang De Basanti has Mr. Rakeysh OP Mehra come back to make a film again, his way. In a way that this country of ours needs to see movies. And in a way that our countrymen want the movies they see to be like. Simply watching Farhan in this movie makes you want to get up and start chasing your goal. It also restores your belief in the fact that hard work will always be ahead of destiny. And, it also unveils the secret that many of us did not know - the fact that it was our neighbor country who nicknamed Mr. Milkha Singh as "The Flying Sikh". Spectacular!

So this brings us to the winner for the MeghnaSays... Movie of the Year Award

Ladies and Gentlemen, with a thundering applause, please welcome, the 18 award winner, the Awesome


Starring the devastatingly handsome Ben Affleck as an exfiltration specialist and based on the Iranian Revolution of 1979, Argo chronicles the life-or-death covert operation to rescue 6 Americans taking refuge in the home of a Canadian Ambassador in Tehran. As you watch the movie, you go, "Wow, never even imagined this story for a movie" and "what a novel and incredible screenplay, this writer is really high on imagination". And then the movie ends. And there is the note: "Based on True Events". Bam! Your. Mind. Is. Blown.
And then you realize that you were watching a movie directed by Ben Affleck. So there has to be something superbly special about it. Unapologetically special. 
And then, frame after frame, all the the characters in real life are shown along with their movie counterparts and the real story which inspired the movie is in a way retold. And again, Your. Mind. IS. Blown. Such stark similarity. Characters, situation, location, emotion - everything perfect to the T. 

No wonder this is this movies Nineteenth Award...!!!

Thursday, 7 January 2016

"Book Of The Year"...!!!

Let us start with the First Category:  "Book Of The Year"

As mentioned earlier, the nominees are the 10 books that I read in 2015. So the nominees are (in order of reading) : 

1. Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert T. Kiyosaki
2. The Old Man And His God - Sudha Murty
3. The Day I Stopped Drinking Milk - Sudha Murty
4. Making India Awesome - Chetan Bhagat
5. Don't Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight - Rijuta Diwekar
6. Lean In - Sheryl Sandberg
7. Mrs. Funnybones - Twinkle Khanna
8. Eat That Frog - Brian Tracy
9. Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach
10. Hero - Rhonda Byrne

(*Three books are missing because they have been loaned.)

While Rich Dad Poor Dad is the only finance related book amongst the nominees, it is a book which requires a lot of attention and either some financial background, academic or otherwise, so that you can understand the terms better, or due diligence which can make you turn towards Google every time you encounter something new. Underlying thought - this is not a book just for the Joy Of Reading, it is a book the majority who have read it swear by, given the very valuable financial lesson of life it is trying to teach, but if you are a novice, you may want to read it more than once to get what it is really trying to tell you.

The Old Man And His God and The Day I Stopped Drinking Milk are collections of stories derived from the real life experiences of Sudha Murty. While the author needs no introduction, and that the stories are as heart warming as gut wrenching at times, the books are sort of predictable in terms of the expectations you could set from them. The writing is simple and beautiful, and you could at times wonder, how the most intense of emotions could be so easily expressed in the most non-ornamental of ways. More than anything else, these books make you think how vivid and diverse life could be, and how time maketh emotions and emotions maketh man.  But this is exactly how I felt about 8 years ago, when I first read Wise and Otherwise - The first collection of 51 short stories by the same author.

Making India Awesome is typical Chetan Bhagat work, a book of essays where he dissects some basic issues that are coming in the way of making India awesome. The good part is that he doesn't stop there. Given his academic background and the way that possible shaped his line of thought, he is the one to always come up with some solution rather than only discussing the problem. And it is this trait that makes me want to read him, almost always. He has been a contributor to the Sunday Times, and that is from where you know where you are headed towards, when you pick this book.

Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's COO is a unique, bright and erudite take on the topic of Women at the Workplace and how they can  make their lives easier while being more ambitious as well as productive. Her knowledge and Big, shiny resume reflects beautifully through her writing and her ideas are novel. The work is backed up with way lot of research, which, though essential for the book, sort of came in the way of Joy Of Reading. Why I say so, is because so much numerical and statistical data makes me tend to skip it and jump over it when I have simply settled with hot chocolate, book in my lap, legs stretched on the ottoman and a there is a beautiful late night drizzle outside. But all said and done, I still found  the book close enough to my heart to finish reading it in one night. And that is no mean feat.

Mrs. Funnybones Twinkle Khanna was really the 'Find of The Decade' as the book cover boasts. More so, because I had never before read any of her Sunday Times articles. Funny to the core, so observant and insightful, this is a book that can lift your mood any time of any day. I remember finishing this book in 3 straight hours, inclusive of a fit of laughter that lasted for about 20 minutes, tears and all. I have a thing for funny, and her work is pure genius. I already recommended and loaned this book to so many people and now I am waiting to read it once again with my Mom-in-law. (Yeah, she is an avid reader, and a big Sudha Murty fan.  She was the one who loaned me the 2 Sudha Murty books in this list. ) 
Just one message for Mrs. Funnybones: Twinkle, please never stop writing! 

Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy was an accidental find, a good one. This is a book that tells 21 handy tips for effective time management and how not to procrastinate. A living favorite, so much that I have already reviewed it on the blog before. To know more about it, click here

Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach and Hero by Rhonda Byrne talk about pretty much the same things but in organically diversified ways. This is one story that has been told and retold multiple times throughout history, geographies and religions. These books try to lead us to that enlightenment which can explain our very existence and purpose in life. "Follow Your Bliss" is the underlying sentiment of these 2 and almost all other books that belong to this league (like 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coehlo, 'The Secret' and 'The Power' by Rhonda Byrne, 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari' and 'The Saint, The Surfer and the CEO' both by Robin Sharma etc.)  Each storyteller lends his own unique method of storytelling to the same story. The important thing here is to understand and then fully absorb the moral of the story.

And so The First MeghnaSays... Award for the Best Book Of The Year goes to: Ladies and Gentlemen, please put your hands together for - 

"Don't Lose Your Mind, Lose your Weight" 

by Celebrity Diet Consultant and Fitness Expert Rijuta Diwekar.

This was the first time I read a book from her, and it is an Eye Opener. She breaks a lot of myths, introduces a lot of new food habits and reveals a revolutionary plan for getting fit and healthy instead of just losing weight, all while ingraining in the reader how to love your body first. She does not put you on crash diets but instead encourages to eat to lose weight! I read out portions of the book to Mr. Husband and we realized how many of our traditional food habits were proving to be so detrimental for our bodies. We have tweaked our diets as per the book, try to follow her 8-small-meals-instead-of-3-big-ones-a-day plan, incorporate exercise or any form of physical stretching (read 'Dancing' for me) and the result: We almost gave up eating out, I have not had biscuits or other processed food since 2 months, and we feel healthier and radiant. Shradha was the one to loan me this book and she and Mahesh are also following Rijuta's advice. Even Chetan Bhagat wished for a healthier India in Making India Awesome, and Rijuta explicitly tells how we can achieve it. And that is why this winner.

[Disclaimer: All Reader share a totally unique relationship with their books. The ideas presented here are personal and do not intend to assist in or formulate any opinions. As always, I encourage all of you to read these books yourself and only then let me know if you agree with me or agree with me more. :) ]

The Runner Up, of course, goes to "Mrs. Funnybones"- who brought tears of laughter in my eyes. 
Oh! I love you so...!!!