Thank You For VIsiting Me...!!!

With outstretched arms, I welcome you to the world of yet unsaid emotions...

Wish you a good time.! And thank you for visiting me...!!!

Saturday, 9 July 2016

T & J...!!!

Times could be sailing smooth
Or it could be a bumpy way,
Just one look at you 
And You make my day...!!!

If childhood was "rang sharbaton ka", then Tom & Jerry were "meethe ghaat ka paani".
[This inspired metaphor comes from the beautiful song playing in the background :) ]

Disney and childhood make the perfect combination, even today. And if were to me, I would make it mandatory for every household to have a Disney Corner - with Disney drawing, toys or merchandize. Yes. Because I know that no matter how much we grow up, characters like Tom and Jerry can always lift our moods and bring us in a positive state of mind.

Just like I am yet to hear from a person who does not like "Paani-poori" (gender-bias notwithstanding!), I am yet to meet a person who does not like Disney, Tom and Jerry in particular.

To pay my respect to this awesome duo, and as a token of gratitude for filling my world with ringing laughter even today, this is what I did a few days ago...

I really don't know how this missed making it to the blog till now, but am happy it is better late than never.

T & J, I love you! truly madly deeply...!!!

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

15 Ways To Be Creative...!!!

I have realized in due course of time that for the 'starters-from-scratch', the most time consuming part of the entire project is to decide what to do. Be it writing a new book, making a new painting, wanting to try out a new Entrepreneurial venture (a Start-Up :) ) or writing a new post for a blog (like this one :D ), the most challenging part is to decide: "What". Once this is done, the 'Hows' and 'Whens' and others take care of themselves.

Here's a list of some of the tips on 'How to be creative' that work pretty effectively and efficiently for me, and so I couldn't resist sharing.

  • Read more. Read anything that comes your way. You never know when a turn of a page could turn your line of thought around.
  • Work more. On whatever art or skill you want to master.
  • Play more. With different media, tools, techniques and methods.
  • Always "Think" about what is a better way to do something. And then try it out.
  • Think. Really think. About 90-95% of our brain remains unutilized for most part of our lives, for most of us. 
  • Meet new people. Every person's life and experiences are brand new stories in themselves.
  • Visit new places. Travel. A lot. Nothing can open the nucleus of our being more.
  • Try new food. When the stomach is happy, it sends happy signals to the brain and heart.
  • Be observant. Be alert. Be present in the present moment. There is a lot of innovation happening around us every instant. Even for the simplest of things. 
  • Spend as much time as you can with kids. They are idea generators. If you don't have kids around, watch movies made for kids.
  • Listen to different genres of music, watch different genres of movies. Especially if they are not of your usual taste.
  • Open yourself to new things, new experiences. Don't hold yourself back. If you feel scared or if something is holding you back, just think of this - You have Only One Life. 
  • Always block your calendar with some engagement for a future date - it could be visiting any exhibition or a book fair, any inauguration or a new movie, planning some near one's birthday or making an anniversary card for a relative or friend. Be prepared to surprise others and yourself. This way you can minimize brooding and always have something to look forward to. Racing with time can be pretty interesting if you are busy.
  • Promise yourself to do something new everyday. That could be listening to a new song or reading a new article from a lesser known author. You could even shampoo your hair in a new way.
  • More than anything else, feed your desire to be uniquely creative in whatever you do, simply by committing to the idea. Keep repeating to yourself that there is definitely a better way to do a task, and only that will be Your way to do it.
Being creative is much of an exercise till the time anyone becomes a natural at it. But once the temperament is developed, there is no looking back.

Make a go at any or all of these points. Let me know how they work for you. And if you have any ideas other than these, I am waiting to hear from you, all ears...!!!

Some Of The Completely Underrated Pleasures In Life...!!!

A small list of sensations that are totally 'feel-awesome' even at first read...

1. Lying warm in the bed on a rainy weekend morning.
2. When something stuck between teeth finally gets out.
3. The moment when the doorbell rings after ordering home delivery for Pizza.
4. Waking up well rested. After a dreamless,|absolute| sleep.
5. Having the song on FM radio finish the exact instant you pull into your parking spot and turn off the car.
6. Hearing that gentle crumbling sound the Vacuum cleaner makes when it pulls something up.
7. Fresh sheets on the bed.
8. First gulp of water after walking home on a hot day.
9. Going to bed after taking a shower.
10. The feeling when you first wake up only to realize you still have a few more hours to sleep.
11. When you are congested and suddenly your nose opens up.
12. Getting goosebumps from music. And pee-shivers.
13. Sitting down after being on your feet all day.
14. Putting on a brand new pair of socks. Or shoes. Or underwear.
15. Opening a book to the correct page on first try.
16. Unwrapping a gift.
17. Singing out aloud in a place where your voice echoes.
18. Getting the perfect selfie the first time.
19. Finding your wishlist item at 70% discount.
20. That feeling when your maid shows up after she's really late and you thought she went on unplanned leave.

Each one is a winner, isn't it...!!!

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Finally, "Banter"...!!!

About a week ago when I decided to take a break from Photo Fables (I had probably hit the Blogger's Block) only with the sincere intentions of doing another season of them in a short while, I guess the decision dissolved a jinx or two.

1. I am finally able to get back to the blog.

2. I finally, FINALLY (Yayy!!) finished my most meticulous painting till date. Something that had been in the making for almost 2 years now.

I started this painting in the beginning of 2014, when I was picking up my brushes and paint again after a while. Whenever I sat down for it, it always felt like I had completed a sizable amount of work. However, whenever I looked at it after I called it a day, there was always so much left to be done! That I was picking up painting after a big enough break made me nervous and scared that I might spoil it. For a year and half, the girls were faceless, only because I could not pull myself together to add their features.

Finally last week, when it got too boring and exasperating for me to see this unfinished business of mine for so long now, I started again, albeit in bits and pieces. But this 'bits and pieces' part was intentional. It helped me take a look from a distance and get the improvements in place before it was too long.

This is how my baby turned out:

It is a 12" by 16", acrylics on canvas, titled: "Banter".

Working with and on my Sita and Gita for such a long time now, I feel they are family. :)

What I like best about this is that whenever I look at it, I can almost smell 'Mharo Rajasthan' sitting here in Hyderabad. Tells me, that Art was, is and shall always be a unifier.
That, for me is an artist's high!

And getting back to my dearest blog, this for me is my Blogger's High...!!!

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Photo Fable 8: Love Knows No Anger...!!!

As promised in the last post, here is another episode from the Punter-Niki Love Story. But it comes with a highlight. Unlike all other posts of the Photo Fables feature, this post has three pictures instead of one. Needless to say, this was a prerequisite.

Days before Punt shared the 'Cake pic' with me, he shared another set of pics which spelt havoc.

Pillows torn apart and their innards strewn all over the floor. Some pillows which luckily survived were peeping out of their covers in excruciating pain, begging for help. A closer look at the two pics Punt shared revealed that disaster had struck in two different rooms with similar looming intensity. Being a man of few words, Punt lined these photos that he shared with, "Look what I came home to just now!"

Check out what the scene was for yourself:

The only silver lining being that before further mess, he was home from office. So, only the damage that was done, was done.

Now, being the cleanliness-and-organized-freak myself, I could only imagine what I would have felt or done in that case. In the first pic, the way you see Punt pretty much tells the whole story. I asked him what happened and he told me that it had been snowing for the last many days. So nobody could take Niki out for a walk. Since she was home all day, with no one to pay her any attention, she was probably feeling "too bored" and this is what she did to entertain herself!

"Bored". Really?! No, I mean, Seriously, Really??!! 

I was in a daze wondering how my friend would be feeling coming home to this mess, and that too when he is still a bachelor (If he had a wife, probably she would have helped him clean up, or fixed him something to eat while he cleaned up, was what I was thinking). I thought he would be hungry and tired after calling it a day in office, and instead of feeding himself, here he had to fix up the room first and all this while keeping Niki "sufficiently entertained" so that she does not stage such innocent yet supposed threat-inciting behavior again.

While I was reeling in this self induced moronic stupor, pinch-zooming over and over the above pics and having all these strange thoughts in my head, Punt send me another message that was quick and potent enough to put my assumed efficiency to shame. 

He had vacuum cleaned the mess, put everything in order and placed Niki again on her throne before clicking this new pic and sharing with me.

Take a look for yourself:

Punt taught me an amazing lesson that day. While I had wasted precious minutes of my life, never to get them back, going haywire about what I would have done in this situation,  here was my dear friend who was so conscious and acceptable of his pet's behavior. And so much loving that he 'let go' and did what he was supposed to do.

This, is the power of "Patience", that comes from the power of "Love", that comes from the power of "Unconditional Acceptance".

Amigo, may your tribe increase...!!!

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Photo Fable 7: Introducing Niki...!!!

Introducing Niki

1. Niki

2. Punter - A very dear friend of mine, and The One who along with his roommates adopted Niki.

3. Gabbar, Baks - Two of my Awesome Friends whom Punter shares with me. All three of these are located miles away in some other corner of the world, but I'm glad to say, our friendship survived the test of time.

4. Rio - Baks' and Gabbar's pet.

When I first did a post on Rio ( I immediately got a message from my otherwise laconic-or-maybe-simply-lazy friend Punt which said, "I am so not talking to you!"

Well, he was partially justified in saying so. Punter and his roommates had adopted Niki before my friends Gabbar and Baks got their first pet Rio. So ideally, I should have done a post on Niki first. (Feeling lost? All the loose ends will come together if you can spare just a few minutes to know more about Gabbar, Baks and Rio by clicking Here). 

But I have said, "partially justified". So in my defence, all that Punter ever shared with me about Niki was her pics, despite the numerous questions I asked him. Some people just excel at the art of dodging questions, and that leaves you all the more lost. This world can learn a lot from such people. All that Punt told me was, "Someday, I will."

But when Gabs and Baks shared Rio's pics and I asked them all the questions flooding my mind, they happily obliged. What's more, they were happy to tell the stories, reveal Rio's eccentricities and share even more pics. So very soon, a beautiful story emerged out of all this data and that was when Punt decided he didn't want to talk to me.

But he did, giving the same answers again. What was new this time, was that Niki's pics that he now shared were more telling. 

And it was this pic of Niki that made me start the whole "Photo Fables" feature.
Take a look:

Niki had turned 2 and Punt baked this cake himself.

Niki is Punt's sweetheart and I have sensed him taking utmost care of her and loving her unconditionally. I really wish I could someday see all this love unfolding right before my eyes.

There is a lot the four-legged creatures of this species could teach humankind. In fact, they have been 'leading by example' since the beginning of time - with their loyalty, friendship and love.

If only we humans were ready to learn...!!!

(** This post says 'Introducing Niki' and this implies that very soon there is going to come another telling tale of this beautiful relationship between Punt and Niki. So, stay tuned everyone.** :) )

Photo Fable 6: Omnipotent Omnipresence...!!!

" I am above, I am below
I know you inside out, I know You so
Both 'Good' and 'Evil' have their place to be
Only You can decide where You want to be

Whatever Your choice is what Thou shall reap
My eyes can see places in You deep
Doesn't matter however long goes on Your facade spree
What that is You give, Will come back to Thee 

For You can fool the world
But You cannot fool either You or Me "

The pic below as was shared by Himanshu, resonated the same spirit of the words above. 
Take a look for yourself:

And here, there is just one thing I would like to mention - Honesty breeds Courage.

When we are true to ourselves, there is nothing that can scare us. Transparency feeds in us the courage to stand by ourselves and that courage shows and glows. 

 Taking responsibility for our actions helps us face the consequences, even if our actions led to a mistake. When we own our act, we have the courage to accept that we went wrong, we have the courage to apologize and this ingrains the lesson so well in us that the mistake is never repeated. 

THAT, I think, is the real deal called Life, isn't it!

May Ganesha give this strength to all at all times...!!!

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Photo Fable 5: Rad Radical Reality...!!!

We have all known our National Monuments since our school days. And we are all proud of them. We all also know the 'real' state they are in, which is pretty contrary to their images that we see in print and digital media. And we also know the amount of effort and care that should be invested in keeping them as glorious as they are meant to be.

With me and the city of Hyderabad, it was love at first sight. And that love is here to stay. It is a city that has a mood and pace of its own, uninfluenced and unparalleled. 

The Charminar is a landmark monument of this city, equally famous as its Biryani. It was constructed in 1591 by Mohammed Quli Qutab Shah to mark the end of plague in Hyderabad city. The Charminar is a massive, impressive structure with four imposing minarets, each 180 ft high above the ground and facing the four main directions. A small mosque adorns the top floor of the Charminar and that is considered to be the oldest surviving mosque of this city of Nawabs. 

The Charminar is a global icon of Hyderabad and is listed amongst the most recognized structures of India. 

This spectacular structure rooted at its spot has seen so many generations of people and has witnessed Hyderabad morph from its Nizam days into Cyberabad as is more commonly known today. The junction where it is located is one of the busiest and most crowded point in the city.

When I saw it, I wondered, what would it be thinking. If it could speak, what would it tell to the swarms of people who pass by it each day and to tourists who come to see it from all over  the world. Would it sound happy and cheerful, like a song? Would it be sad and complaining like some of the people of older generations who do not understand why all of us now are running some random rat race, why is everyone so impatient and why does everyone honk so much? Or would it be a storyteller so good, that the anecdotes it tells would bring tears of laughter in our eyes? 

This pic below that was shared by good friend Himanshu conveys something like this, and may be something much more...

Take a look:

Isn't this the Rad Radical Reality...!!!

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Photo Fable 4: Serenity In Stones...!!!

After a break that became a little longer than was expected, here is the Story-in-a-Photo number 4. This one would come in the category 'Nature'. And without a speck of uncertainty, nothing in this world is more beautiful than our Mother Nature.

This pic was taken by a dear friend Sidharth, during his trip to the breathtakingly beautiful Ladakh. This is the Pangong Lake and here, tourists and visitors build these stone structures with some wishes in their heart. 

'The most amazing thing', Sidharth said, 'is that even in those strong winds up there, these stones manage to stand still.' THAT, I guess is the power of belief. Undoubtedly, true belief can stand any test of time and tide. 

This is the place where our wishes become  measurable to some extent. Bigger the wish, bigger the stone structure people create. Humankind keeps wishing more and more, always, and on any other occasion, this might sound slightly detestable. But this pic makes you want to wish more: More love for humanity, more peace for Planet Earth and more harmony in the Universe.

"Yes! And that is why this is my favorite pic of the lot. It has been my desktop wallpaper ever since I first took it" beamed Sidharth. 

As for me, this pic made me break the rule for a bit, about using as less words as possible for the Photo Fable series. So many words have spilled out of my fingers as fluidly as the lake itself.  No wonder this proves that I am experiencing the highest order of serenity right now...!!!

Here's the pic:

Keep wishing, Everyone...!!!

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Photo Fable 3: Hashtag Bachpan...!!!

"...give me some sunshine 
give me some rain...
give me another chance, 
I wanna grow up once again..."

The third candid, adorable and absolutely lovable Fable-In-A-Photo was shared by a dear friend Himanshu, who was so excited to learn about this photo-feature on the blog, he sent like a 100 entries! I really have no idea how deep he had to dig to dish this one out, but this pic takes all the cake! 

O' Childhood... Come back pleese...!!!

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Photo Fable 2: Paradise Unbuttoning...!!!

The second Fable was shared by Ankit and Khushboo, who are understandably in some ninth or eleventh heaven since the birth of their baby girl Meher.

There was no better title I could come up with for this one. The pic below will say the rest. 

I am very sure Ankit would have been blushing when he would have shared it. He shyly told me, "there is a 'Tiny Photography Bug' in me, which keeps biting every once in a while' and then forwarded this pic, with signature and all. 

Take a look:

Respect. With a million bows to both of you...!!!

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Photo Fable 1: Together Forever...!!!

My wonderful friends Gabbar and Baks were the quickest to respond when I shared this idea of "Photo Fables" with them. 

This is a pic taken out of their wedding album, and I have just one word for it: 


Take a look: 

Both of You, Wish You Togetherness Forever...!!!

Introducing - "Photo Fables"...!!!

We've all grown up hearing it often that "A Picture is worth a Thousand Words" and that "A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever".

Photographs are stencils of moments frozen in time. While they create everlasting memories, unlike any other form of art - be it the written word or a painted canvas, they cannot be recreated. There cannot be any other rendition of them. The clicking of each photograph is a once in a lifetime affair, for that moment will never occur again. Even if everything else is the same, there is one thing that will surely be different: the timestamp. But once the photo is clicked, it can last longer than a lifetime; sometimes may be generations after generations. And that is what maketh this art so unadulterated and eccentric. 

While browsing through my photo gallery a couple of days ago, I found few such pictures that my friends had shared with me. Each of those photos was a complete story in itself.

So, just for adrenaline's sake, I reached out to my friends and asked them if they had any such pictures which could tell a story without words, and which they were willing to share with me to put on the blog. The catch was that they should have clicked those pictures themselves. I wasn't really expecting much, but Boy, was I surprised!

I got an awesome response from everyone, and the pictures they shared are breathtaking. Sweeping an expanse of varied topics, from Nature to Travel and Relationships to Architecture - basically 'Life' underscored twice - these photos are a real salute to what we can call the spirit of living beyond existing.

Over the next few posts, I shall be sharing the choicest photographs out of the superabundant lot that these lovely people so generously shared with me. 

As says the title, each of these photographs spills a fable. They talk out loud for themselves. They fluidly tell the alluring and prepossessing story about the moment they were captured; something for which no other rendition is possible. And they all deftly render the use of words redundant. So, I shall practice a lot of restraint with their descriptions. Every story is open to your unique interpretation, Dear Reader. :)

A Big Thank You to all the wonderful contributors who make me feel so proud that I am their friend. You guys are the best! And I really wish that all your dreams come true...!!!

MeghnaSays... Is Finally on Facebook...!!!

Its Official - We have arrived...!

Everyone, thank you so much for all your love and encouragement. To take things to the next level, I am happy to announce that...







Facebook !!!

Lets hope to meet newer patrons, brew newer ideas and get into newer discussions in this new hotspot.

See you all there too! And for all your Thumbs Ups that are on my way, please accept my heartfelt Thank You...!!!

Let's create history at: 

Stay Precious, Everyone...!!!

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

"Vote Of Thanks...!!!"

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have now come to the concluding part of our First Chapter of the Annual MeghnaSays... Awards Gala. This has been one Awesome ride and I am so thankful to each and everyone who was instrumental in making this herculean task possible for me. So, at this point of time, a lot of "Thank Yous" are in order. 

On the onset, my sincerest thanks to God Almighty, for giving me these ideas and the courage and desire to work with them. If not for those blessings, I would be non-existant, pretty much like everything else.

A very BIG Thank You to My Laptop which according to Mr. Husband came into our lives in 1960 (Yeah...guess my age...!!! And I say this just one day before my next Birthday! :D ). Without You, Oh Dear Laptop, none of this would have been possible. Even though I had to hit enter 4 times before my cursor moved to the next line, and even though 'E' and 'A' have now disappeared from my keyboard, literally, You my Dear, are simply The Best..! Mmuah!

My biggest Thank You to Mr. Husband Dearest for ALWAYS being by my side, no matter what. For listening to my incessant rants and lending an extremely patient ear to all of my cribbing. For being the perpetual source of inspiration, in his own unique ways. For being the one for whom I wake up each day!

A very big Thank You to all those Cups Of Tea that gave me the much needed jolt to get out of my afternoon slumber, and who kept me going till all the words had drained out of my fingers in a way that they felt kilos lighter. 

My heartiest gratitude to all those Evening Walks that I missed because I was writing, for not holding it up against me; and for all those walks that I took, for maintaining our relationship and the spark of it.

And more than anything or anyone else, a Big - Bigger - Biggest Thank You to all My Readers who make blogging worth it. You, dear Readers, are the pulse, the heartbeat of my blog. You fill the words in me, you fill the expression in those words. Thank You so much for always being there!

And before I sign off, Thank You Life. You feel like a dream comes true, every moment...!!!

Take care everyone...!!!

'Irritant Of The Year...!!!"

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have now come to the last category of the "Annual MeghnaSays... 2015 Awards Gala". We made it, we are finally here. 

This is a very novel category and I don't think I am any shy of words about how I feel for this award's winner.

For the nominations for this category, we have special terrestrial guests who are very very close to the realm of our everyday existence. They excel in bugging the wits out of you, in irritating you beyond your normal tolerance levels and in adding way more challenge to an already demanding life. Each one outshines and outperforms. But the winner takes it all away!

The outstanding nominees for this category are:

1. Ants

2. Mosquitoes.

3. Pigeons.

Ants - They are omnipresent and omnivorous, especially in my house.  They seem to have this gift of God of becoming 0 to 100 in 3 seconds (Watch out Elon Musk! Tesla has competition now!) I fail to understand where in their nano anatomy did God Almighty place a nose so deft!
Technically, they are supposed to swarm the sweet things, so I understand that they also feel hungry, and when sublunary creatures like us humans forget to put our sweets in the refrigerator or in air tight containers, they are supposed to conquer them. 

But what about chilly powder? Or green tea leaves? Or oats? Or ginger? Or boiled vegetables? Or Vinegar? Or detergent soap? Is there a gastronomy class these ants are attending where they are burning the midnight oil (also stolen from my Kitchen) to hone their culinary skills so that very soon they can may be open a restaurant? Or win the "Masterchef Ants In The Anthill" title? Only that could explain their dire need for detergents to wash their microscopic spoiled aprons. 

I have wasted hours of my precious life trying to get rid of them, clean the stuff they spoiled and make my kitchen relatively ant-proof. Even after keeping my place squeaky clean, doing my unique custom-designed ant-pest-control even in the middle of the nights and making neatness my top priority, time and again, they still manage to deliver their show-stopping performances. And every time this happens, I feel that a little more of my self-confidence is brutally stripped off.

After all this while of Guerrilla warfare, we have now come to a point where we sort of ignore each other till the time the other party is not being particularly nasty. When any of the parties crosses the line, we take action. Immediate solid action. When they start spoiling my stuff, I unleash the devil within and send 'Hit' shots on their way. Sometimes "water and wiper"becomes the artillery, sometimes 'Lakshman-rekha' does. Then, they clearly understand that they have broken some unwritten code; that they are now prohibited and unwelcome. And being the self-respecting creatures they are, they back off, at least for the time being.

There is a silver lining here though. Ants inspire. When you may look closely, look above yourself and see them, you find them constantly working. They energize you with their energy, team work, sportsmanship and high spirits. They stay in groups and work together. They make hay while the sun shines and save aplenty for the rainy day.

And this is why, they lose this award.

Mosquitoes - My ONLY thought when I think about them: What was God thinking when he created mosquitoes? Why did he create them?
Why? Why? WHY?

Now picture this: You had a great day at work; deliverables after deliverables. There was a Go Live, and you managed to put everything in line right at the time of project delivery. The client is super happy with your work, has sent you a handcrafted appreciation mail. Your boss has announced your next promotion, owing to this, and your team is partying harder now after the long day of hard work is over. There is good food, and you are with your good friends. You are doing the job you love, and excelling at it. Life is great. You are, needless to say, on top of the world.

You come home a bit late, all happy and gung-ho. Take a nice hot shower and now, all you can think of is to hit the sack, so that you get your much required beauty sleep that can revitalize you with all the energy you need for the next productive day.

And just as you switch off the lights, and your head rests on the pillow, from unknown places in the darkness emerge these tiny needle-like creatures that buzz in supersonic frequencies right inside your ears. This incessant busszzzsssszzzzzing sound easily penetrates to the deepest farthest corners of your head and semi-awareness and give you the jolt of a lifetime. And if that was not enough, immediately next comes the sting, THAT sting which could in a matter of minutes make you land inside a hospital for a stay. You wake up giving a sonorous punch to your own ears, land deathly blows on your own body (though all in vain) and may even give yourself a couple of coruscating slaps that make you realize how powerful you really are.

And then comes the question, what did I do to deserve This?

All the achievements of daytime go down the drain in a flash. And all you are left with is the vain effort of fighting a losing battle, every time, with these mosquitoes.

Just like the big mainframe computers that occupied whole rooms gave way to the smaller, sleeker iPads, I guess the mosquitoes are also the smaller, sleeker version of 'Vampires'.
I wanna suck yo' blood and yo' life outta yo', Sucka!

The mosquitoes seem to have gained the most with Evolution.   They have become leaner and meaner. Now they are almost invisible to the naked eye and so agile that even imagining to smash the existence out of them with your claps is so obsolete. If you burn some of those mosquito-repellant sticks or mats, you may end up falling unconscious before you know, given their horrid smells and their awfully detrimental effects on your respiratory system. They are totally resistant to all the repellants - natural or not, and showcase their moronic daredevilry by sitting right on top of the switched-ON repellant devices.  And if you really disturb them with your tenacity for going after their lives, they have probably loaned this expertise from Bats, where now they can hang themselves upside down from the ceilings. Ha! Catch Me If You Can!

There are still, in the present times, some things you can do to save yourself from these demons. I say 'present times', because one can only imagine to what levels are they capable of 'evolving' themselves. You could mesh net all your windows and doors, so that they cannot enter your house in the first place. You could wear full clothes, and Odomas. You could burn essential oils, which are thankfully pleasant and not hazardous. Still if all these fail, go for the kill with the Electric Rackets and bust their bums off with electric shocks. When the going gets tough, the tough get going!

The mosquitoes drive you nuts mostly only during the nights and in some particular seasons. And so, you can think of some respite. Which is why, they also lose this award.


So Ladies and Gentlemen, please put your hands together for the One and Only, solidly deserved, winner of the MeghnaSays... Irritant Of The Year Award which goes to


I don't know how to start, I am so overwhelmed right now, my brains may burst anytime! 
They are the worst nightmare of my life. 
Why is there no superlative for Worst...???

With pigeons - there is just no option. Heard of 'Helplessness'? They taught what it means to an eternal optimist like me. 

You shoo them away and in like less than 5 seconds they will be back. To the same place, to do the same thing - Nothing. No self respect at all. 

Dumbest. Creatures. Ever. One was exceedingly dumb to lay eggs in my washing machine..!! Seriously, how lazy can you be! Go build your nest you moron!

They have no work to do. Idle throughout the day, only sitting and pooping, I wonder when and what do they eat to produce so much of that horrible colored poop which stinks like a disproportionate mixture of vomit, industry waste and shite. 

50 shades of grey and none worth looking at - that with Red eyes ?! Why would any of the Heaven's artists combine rainbow hues on the neck with grey in the first place? They are just not good to look at. Okay, that is something beyond themselves. That's how God made them. 
But they make horrible if they have been tormented since ages and still are. All they do is grunt. Unlike twitter birds, or house sparrows who are such angels, they come, chirp, do a little dance and fly away. No doubts good things come in small packages.

God must have been in a real. bad. mood. to come up with something like them, that they got neither the looks nor the voice, nor the brain. Zilch.
No good looks, no good voice, no good deeds. How to pull yourself together! How! HOW!

I mean, come on, even crows unknowingly do their part of charity when they help hatch the cuckoo's eggs. And the cuckoo, crooked as it may be, at least has a sweet voice. That friggin' Siren!

The only occupation of pigeons - to suddenly flap phat-phat-phat and emerge out of nowhere over to the top of your head, scare every bit and piece out of you, and then go nowhere; just land a few centimetres away, for no specific reason whatsoever. 
There is anyway nothing much they can do with those obese un-aerodynamic bodies. And wherever they land, they have to oust their brother or sister or cousin or friend or girlfriend or boyfriend or whatever that is sitting there. Just trot after it and climb on it and just basically bug it so much that it leaves that place. And the other one is even dumber to go away. Such a waste of life. If only they could learn to do something valuable with their lives - follow their bliss maybe. Just like Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

To make matters worse, they are Omnipresent. They are just everywhere. No wonder they are called the "coackroaches of birds". Dirty and pathogenic. In the city skyline, you see remarkable buildings, shining away in glory on a bright sunny day, and suddenly, as you inch closer, you notice 50 shades of grey and another 20 of green, white and brown in a stinky skanky trail over the glass windows! 

I have been having more than my fair share of Nightmares about them (Please notice I used a Capital N). Someday when I have a nice lush property, with manicured gardens and a bunch a sedans, they attack and take over 
everything, poop over my house and garden and cars and everywhere and fill the air with their grunting and stink. One of them even came dressed hideously as a bride in a white gown and was trying to seduce Mr. Husband and take him away. Oh the horror!

Even as I compose this post, they are barely a few feet away, grinding my composure to dust with that grotesque grunting, and breaking my concentration every couple of minutes as I have to  get up to shoo and shaa and shhhh them. And I think now they recognize me, my voice, maybe even my silhouette, for now, they resist flying away every time they see me. They just shift a little back on the window sill and give me that steely stare with those loathsome red eyes, head cocked to one side and then to the other, as if taking that long good look at me and telling themselves, "There You are again" and "We will see You."
Using expletives for them is a sincere insult to expletives.

Sometimes the only thing in my wish list is a Lipstick Taser. Or a shotgun, and the license to use it.

The best thing about them, they are so good at this nothingness, that they left me no choice to select anyone else for this award. You love to hate them and hate to love them. I realize that this is the first and hopefully the only post with so many negative adjectives.

Be thy work, great or small, do it well, or not at all. Thus the Winner...!!!

"Comrade Of The Year...!!!"

Our next category, Ladies and Gentlemen, for the MeghnaSays... 2015 Annual Awards is 

"Comrade Of The Year"

As mentioned in the Curtain Raiser, this award also does not have any nominees, just the winner. Here, I would like to tell you that it was pretty much the Subject of this award that brought me to the Predicate part.

How often in life 
do we meet someone
who 'clicks' in the first instant
who is likable so
and adorable so
That you forget if you ever were distant

Who can loan you books
and feedback and advice
and his tees to wear at night
Who is calm and composed
Funny and reposed
And for you friend is Mr. Right!

One who is at par 
and knows no bar
when it comes to help a friend in need
Who is the "Sahchar"
of Mr. Husband Dear
A gem of a person indeed

Who reads what I write
Inspires as a Guide
And is patient when things go slow [:D]
Who gave poetic answers 
To my poetic questions
To keep the flame aglow

A partner in crime
Vodka with a dash of lime
One who made up for the lost days of yore
We (Mr. Husband and Me) are filled with glee
to have found in you
A comrade, for ever and more.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please put your hands together for the Winner:


who deserves every bit of the 

MeghnaSays... Comrade Of The Year Award 

and more.

To read more about this beautiful camaraderie, click here. You will be so glad you did.

Life is really so much better with Friends...!!!