Thank You For VIsiting Me...!!!

With outstretched arms, I welcome you to the world of yet unsaid emotions...

Wish you a good time.! And thank you for visiting me...!!!

Saturday, 9 July 2016

T & J...!!!

Times could be sailing smooth
Or it could be a bumpy way,
Just one look at you 
And You make my day...!!!

If childhood was "rang sharbaton ka", then Tom & Jerry were "meethe ghaat ka paani".
[This inspired metaphor comes from the beautiful song playing in the background :) ]

Disney and childhood make the perfect combination, even today. And if were to me, I would make it mandatory for every household to have a Disney Corner - with Disney drawing, toys or merchandize. Yes. Because I know that no matter how much we grow up, characters like Tom and Jerry can always lift our moods and bring us in a positive state of mind.

Just like I am yet to hear from a person who does not like "Paani-poori" (gender-bias notwithstanding!), I am yet to meet a person who does not like Disney, Tom and Jerry in particular.

To pay my respect to this awesome duo, and as a token of gratitude for filling my world with ringing laughter even today, this is what I did a few days ago...

I really don't know how this missed making it to the blog till now, but am happy it is better late than never.

T & J, I love you! truly madly deeply...!!!

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

15 Ways To Be Creative...!!!

I have realized in due course of time that for the 'starters-from-scratch', the most time consuming part of the entire project is to decide what to do. Be it writing a new book, making a new painting, wanting to try out a new Entrepreneurial venture (a Start-Up :) ) or writing a new post for a blog (like this one :D ), the most challenging part is to decide: "What". Once this is done, the 'Hows' and 'Whens' and others take care of themselves.

Here's a list of some of the tips on 'How to be creative' that work pretty effectively and efficiently for me, and so I couldn't resist sharing.

  • Read more. Read anything that comes your way. You never know when a turn of a page could turn your line of thought around.
  • Work more. On whatever art or skill you want to master.
  • Play more. With different media, tools, techniques and methods.
  • Always "Think" about what is a better way to do something. And then try it out.
  • Think. Really think. About 90-95% of our brain remains unutilized for most part of our lives, for most of us. 
  • Meet new people. Every person's life and experiences are brand new stories in themselves.
  • Visit new places. Travel. A lot. Nothing can open the nucleus of our being more.
  • Try new food. When the stomach is happy, it sends happy signals to the brain and heart.
  • Be observant. Be alert. Be present in the present moment. There is a lot of innovation happening around us every instant. Even for the simplest of things. 
  • Spend as much time as you can with kids. They are idea generators. If you don't have kids around, watch movies made for kids.
  • Listen to different genres of music, watch different genres of movies. Especially if they are not of your usual taste.
  • Open yourself to new things, new experiences. Don't hold yourself back. If you feel scared or if something is holding you back, just think of this - You have Only One Life. 
  • Always block your calendar with some engagement for a future date - it could be visiting any exhibition or a book fair, any inauguration or a new movie, planning some near one's birthday or making an anniversary card for a relative or friend. Be prepared to surprise others and yourself. This way you can minimize brooding and always have something to look forward to. Racing with time can be pretty interesting if you are busy.
  • Promise yourself to do something new everyday. That could be listening to a new song or reading a new article from a lesser known author. You could even shampoo your hair in a new way.
  • More than anything else, feed your desire to be uniquely creative in whatever you do, simply by committing to the idea. Keep repeating to yourself that there is definitely a better way to do a task, and only that will be Your way to do it.
Being creative is much of an exercise till the time anyone becomes a natural at it. But once the temperament is developed, there is no looking back.

Make a go at any or all of these points. Let me know how they work for you. And if you have any ideas other than these, I am waiting to hear from you, all ears...!!!

Some Of The Completely Underrated Pleasures In Life...!!!

A small list of sensations that are totally 'feel-awesome' even at first read...

1. Lying warm in the bed on a rainy weekend morning.
2. When something stuck between teeth finally gets out.
3. The moment when the doorbell rings after ordering home delivery for Pizza.
4. Waking up well rested. After a dreamless,|absolute| sleep.
5. Having the song on FM radio finish the exact instant you pull into your parking spot and turn off the car.
6. Hearing that gentle crumbling sound the Vacuum cleaner makes when it pulls something up.
7. Fresh sheets on the bed.
8. First gulp of water after walking home on a hot day.
9. Going to bed after taking a shower.
10. The feeling when you first wake up only to realize you still have a few more hours to sleep.
11. When you are congested and suddenly your nose opens up.
12. Getting goosebumps from music. And pee-shivers.
13. Sitting down after being on your feet all day.
14. Putting on a brand new pair of socks. Or shoes. Or underwear.
15. Opening a book to the correct page on first try.
16. Unwrapping a gift.
17. Singing out aloud in a place where your voice echoes.
18. Getting the perfect selfie the first time.
19. Finding your wishlist item at 70% discount.
20. That feeling when your maid shows up after she's really late and you thought she went on unplanned leave.

Each one is a winner, isn't it...!!!