Thank You For VIsiting Me...!!!

With outstretched arms, I welcome you to the world of yet unsaid emotions...

Wish you a good time.! And thank you for visiting me...!!!

Monday, 9 June 2014

No Greater High Than A Job Well Done..!!

It is a little more than 3 months since my last post. And I really hope this beloved blog of mine spares considering to sue me for my sloth, lethargy and neglect. Honestly, there is so much I want to share, considering the major changes my life underwent in the last six+ months, and the posts are almost ready. Just need some finishing touches, and they'll be here. Very soon.

But I just had to get started. So I thought that this time I will yield to the adage - "A picture is worth a thousand words." I have some interesting things to show, stuff that I have been doing over the past months. And all this stuff shows a very Real Me.

The First one is the last painting I did, for my 7 year old niece and 5 year old nephew, when they graduated to Yellow Belt from White in their Kumfu Karate classes. This was a kind of certificate for them for their great job. It really is a treat to watch those kids in action. And both of them love to draw and paint. 

The next thing is an interest that gate-crashed into my life just by chance, and has kind of got me hooked. It is some flowers I made out of clay.

Next in line is the first acrylic painting I did on wood-mdf, and it was very liberating. The whole process I mean. It is a simple one, I did it mostly to gain the warm-up energy out of it, and I love it. It has my favorite muse and my favorite colors. And I love the positive energy it emanates. 

The final one on today's list is the most recent chocolate cake I made. I have acquired a whole new interest in cooking, especially baking, and cakes are something I love doing. I had never known, rather realized that chopping veggies or kneading or blending could be SO therapeutic and relaxing.  

Every single one of my creative endeavors has left me with a lot more peace of mind and clarity of thought. I tend to lose myself during the process and there is just one thing on my mind. And THAT, is pure redemption.

There is, Really, no greater high than a job well done..!!